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FTP/Shell accounts

The section ftp_shell_accounts is intended for creating user’s accounts on the server that provide ftp as well as ssh access. Hosts hosts и cronjobs cron_jobs are pointed to the user’s accounts.

Add a new account – allows to add a new account.
Deactivate / Activate – allows to activate or deactivate accounts.
Subaccount 1) – allows to create a subaccount and point it to the account. It may be used when the access to only one host is required without access to all the hosts on the main account.
Login – login to a subaccount.
Directory – home directory for a subaccount.
Password – password to a subaccount.
Edit – editing an account or changing a password.
Delete – deleting an account. Deletion of an account will trigger the deletion of all the hosts, cron jobs and subaccounts pointed to the account.

Actions available while adding account:
Name – account that will be used for ftp or ssh access.
Password – password to the account.
Shell – allows access to your account via ssh-protocol.

Active - the indicator of the status of your account. Can be active and inactive.
Hosts – the number of hosts pointed to the account.

1) For example, there’s a need to allow FTP-access to the directory upload, which is in the root directory of the host, pointed to the accountftp0. Then the root to the directory will be /home/clients/ftp0/domains/ To allow for subaccount ftp0_s1 access to upload you should specify the root /domains/ while adding to the field Directory.

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