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SNMP sources

In this section there is the SNMP source SNMP which is in charge of designing of graphics in the section of server_graphics.

Add new source – the adding of the new data source.
Edit – the editing of the data source.
Clear – the data cleaning.
Delete – the deletion of the data source.

Available options on job-adding:
Name – the name of the new data source.
MIB – the name of the variable in the base MIB in signs or in figures.
Interval – the frequency with which the server will take data on the protocol SNMP. 300 seconds is the recommended value, the minimum value is 30 seconds.
Counter type – the counter can be of 2 types:

  • COUNTER - the counter is constantly increasing (for example: the package counter going through the network interface of the server).
  • GAUGE - the counter shows the value within some ranges, it can increase or decrease (for example: load average).

Graphic – the graphic from server_graphics which will be used for displaying information got on SNMP .

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