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en:vhosting:hosts 2006/11/23 15:06 | en:vhosting:hosts 2006/12/07 08:16 current | ||
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===== HOSTS ===== | ===== HOSTS ===== | ||
- | {{en:small_icons:hosts_list.png|}} This section contains hosts created and managed by the panel. To point a host to the server you should have at least one //ftp/shell// account. While adding a host a DNS-record is added automatically to the configuration of the dns-server. Records added can be viewed in the section [[en:vhosting:dns_zones|management DNS]] of the module. [[:dedikit_documentation#modul_xosting]].\\ | + | {{en:small_icons:hosts_list.png|}} This section contains hosts created and managed by the panel. To point a host to the server you should have at least one //ftp/shell// account. While adding a host a DNS-record is added automatically to the configuration of the dns-server. Records added can be viewed in the section [[en:vhosting:dns_zones|management DNS]] of the module.\\ |
To get a host working the following steps should be made:\\ | To get a host working the following steps should be made:\\ | ||
- | - Before a registration or a transfer of a host, this host should be added to the server. The DNS-zone with records will be generated automatically. It should be done in at least 8 hours before the registration or transfer. In case you want to use your own NS-servers и, you should fill the fields //Own NS1// и //Own NS2// while adding a host. You should also add records for a zone like A. | + | - Before a registration or a transfer of a host, this host should be added to the server. The DNS-zone with records will be generated automatically. It should be done in at least 8 hours before the registration or transfer. In case you want to use your own NS-servers и, you should fill the fields //Own NS1// и //Own NS2// while adding a host. You should also add records for a zone type A. |
<code> | <code> | ||
ns1 IN A | ns1 IN A | ||
Line 16: | Line 16: | ||
Options available while adding a host:\\ | Options available while adding a host:\\ | ||
//**Name**// – a domain name of a host.There's a possibility of multiple adding hosts to the panel. To do it you should add domains with a space, a comma, or with a new line.\\ | //**Name**// – a domain name of a host.There's a possibility of multiple adding hosts to the panel. To do it you should add domains with a space, a comma, or with a new line.\\ | ||
- | //**HTTP server**// – allows to choose a type of //http-server// that will manage this host. At the moment three types of web-servers are supported:[[|apache]], [[|thttpd]] и [[|nginx]]. Your choice will depend on the type of your site: if it is a dynamic site using PHP/CGI it's better to use apache. If it's static([[|HTML]] or file storage ) – then [[|thttpd]] or [[|nginx]].\\ | + | //**HTTP server**// – allows to choose a type of //http-server// that will manage this host. At the moment three types of web-servers are supported:[[|apache]], [[|thttpd]] и [[|nginx]]. Your choice will depend on the type of your site: if it is a dynamic site using PHP/CGI it's better to use apache. If it's static([[|HTML]] or file storage ) – then [[|thttpd]] or [[|nginx]].\\ |
//**FTP account**// – allows to choose account the host will be pointed to. When the host is created its root directory will be in the home directory of the account and the host will be accessed with password-login of the account. Roots to hosts can be changed via settings.\\ | //**FTP account**// – allows to choose account the host will be pointed to. When the host is created its root directory will be in the home directory of the account and the host will be accessed with password-login of the account. Roots to hosts can be changed via settings.\\ | ||
//**IP address**// – the address the host is pointed to.\\ | //**IP address**// – the address the host is pointed to.\\ | ||
- | //**CGI/PHP**// – необходима ли сайту поддержка исполняемых скриптов.\\ | + | //**CGI/PHP**// – if the host needs support of running scripts.\\ |
- | //**Хотлинк**// – защита файлов сайта от цитирования на других сайтах. Поле представляет из себя список расширений файлов, разделенных знаком | , которые подпадают под защиту от хотлинка. Защита от хотлинка будет выключена, если сделать это поле пустым. Подробнее о хотлинке можно прочесть [[Хотлинк|тут]].\\ | + | //**Hotlink**// – protection of host files from linling to other hosts. The field is a list of file extensions separated by the symbol | which are protected from hotlink. Hotlink protection can be disabled if this field is left empty. More details about hotlink [[|here]].\\ |
- | //**Анализатор логов**// – панель поддерживает несколько анализаторов логов веб-сервера для вывода статистики запросов, посещений. Это [[|webalizer]] и [[|awstats]].\\ | + | //**Webalizer**// – the panel supports a few analyzers of web-server logs for output of the statistics on queries, visits. Theses are [[|webalizer]] and [[|awstats]].\\ |
- | //**Редактировать**// – позволяет редактировать свойства сайта и менять все основные его параметры.\\ | + | //**Edit**// – allows to edit features of the site and change its parameters.\\ |
- | //**Алиасы**// - Вы можете указать список имен, на которые будет откликаться домен. При добавлении домена там находятся две записи, // и // (предполагая, что Вы добавили домен // Вы можете изменить добавляемые по умолчанию алиасы на собственные, заполнив переменную //default_host_aliases// модуля [[:dedikit_documentation#modul_xosting|Хостинг]] значением вида: //HOSTNAME//, //www.HOSTNAME//, //*.HOSTNAME// - в данном случае будет добавлено три алиаса, слово //HOSTNAME// будет заменено на имя добавляемого сайта. Вы можете, к примеру, добавить //, и Ваш сайт будет откликаться сразу на // и на // Также вы можете использовать звездочку вместе с доменным именем, чтобы указать, что все поддомены будут именами этого домена (//* Указывая в списке имен IP адрес домена Вы получаете доступ к нему без указания имени,\\ | + | //**Aliases**// - you can specify a list of names that your domain will respond to. When the domain is added there are 2 records there // and // (assuming you've added the domain // You can change aliases added by default to your own ones by filling the variable //default_host_aliases// in the module VHOSTING with the value: //HOSTNAME//, //www.HOSTNAME//, //*.HOSTNAME// -in this case three aliases will be added, the name //HOSTNAME// will be changed to the name of the added host. You can add //, and your host will respond to both // You can also use asterisk together with your domain name to indicate that all the subdomains will be names for this domain (//* Specifying the IP address of the domain in the list of names you get access to it without specifying the name\\ |
- | //**Хотлинк**// – позволяет вывести список доменов, с которых разрешен хотлинк, а так же добавить новые домены для хотлинка.\\ | + | //**Hotlink**// – allows to list domains where hotlink is allowed and also add new domains for hotlink.\\ |
- | //**Удалить**// – удалить сайт. При удалении сайта возможно удалить не только записи о нем, но и все содержимое корневой директории сайта. Для этого при удалении сайта необходимо выбрать опцию //Удалить на диске//. Для физического удаления сайта необходимо чтобы в разделе [[:ru:base:condition_jobs|задания по условию]] присутствовало задание //Delete host content//. В противном случае содержимое удалено не будет.\\ | + | //**Delete**// – to delete a host. Not only records of a host, but also the content of a root directory of the host can be deleted. To do it the option //Delete on the disk// should be chosen. To remove a host the job //Delete host content// should be present in the section [[:en:base:condition_jobs]] . Otherwise, the content won't be removed.\\ |