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en:vhosting:cron_jobs 2006/11/24 15:32 en:vhosting:cron_jobs 2006/12/07 08:18 current
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//**Time**// – the time of job fulfilling. The time is set in the format described above.\\ //**Time**// – the time of job fulfilling. The time is set in the format described above.\\
//**Command**// – is the same command. It's worth to pay attention that the path to the binary file or script is necessary to use in the command.\\ //**Command**// – is the same command. It's worth to pay attention that the path to the binary file or script is necessary to use in the command.\\
-//**Mass adding**// – is used for the mass adding of jobs, moreover the jobs are necessary to add in the specified format on one job in every line.\\+//**Bulk adding**// – is used for the bulk- adding of jobs, moreover the jobs are necessary to add in the specified format on one job in every line.\\
//**Edit**// – to edit the job.\\ //**Edit**// – to edit the job.\\
//**Delete**// – to delete the job.\\ //**Delete**// – to delete the job.\\

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