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en:syswatcher:alerts 2006/11/29 09:04 en:syswatcher:alerts 2006/12/07 08:08 current
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===== Alerts ===== ===== Alerts =====
-In this section there are alert sensors of our server.Having alert you get a notification. So you can constantly monitor many different server parameters: loading, bandwidth, disk usage, job of //http-server// etc.\\+In this section there are alert sensors of our server. Having alert you get a notification. So you can constantly monitor many different server parameters: loading, bandwidth, disk usage, job of //http-server// etc.\\
Every alert uses one option and a list of parameters to it.\\ Every alert uses one option and a list of parameters to it.\\
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-//**Add sensor**// – there are 3 types of sensors, how they work is written above.\\+//**Add alert**// – there are 3 types of sensors, how they work is written above.\\
//**Change**// – to change the sensor.\\ //**Change**// – to change the sensor.\\
//**Delete**// – to delete the sensor.\\ //**Delete**// – to delete the sensor.\\

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