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en:syswatcher:alert_statistics 2006/11/23 14:48 en:syswatcher:alert_statistics 2006/11/24 14:18 current
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**Fields:**\\ **Fields:**\\
-//**Name**// - is the name of the worked out alert.\\ +//**Name**// - the name of the worked out alert.\\ 
-//**Amount**// - is the amount of the occured allerts.\\ +//**Amount**// - the amount of the occured allerts.\\ 
-//**Total time of outage**// - is the total time of the server outage that is monitored in figures and in terms of persentage points.\\+//**Total time of outage**// - the total time of the server outage that is monitored in figures and in terms of persentage points.\\

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