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en:navigation 2006/12/11 14:36 en:navigation 2007/05/24 23:42 current
Line 1: Line 1:
-  *  [[ru:requirements|Требования]]+  *  [[en:requirements|Requirements]]
  *  [[en:variables|Variables]]   *  [[en:variables|Variables]]
**Module BASE** **Module BASE**
Line 19: Line 19:
  *  [[en:databases:add new|Add new]]   *  [[en:databases:add new|Add new]]
**Module PROXY** **Module PROXY**
-  *  [[en::proxy:proxy accounts|Proxy accounts]]+  *  [[en:proxy:proxy accounts|Proxy accounts]]
  *  [[en:proxy:add new|Add new]]   *  [[en:proxy:add new|Add new]]
-  *  [[en::syswatcher:server graphics|Server graphics]] +  *  [[en:syswatcher:server graphics|Server graphics]] 
-  *  [[en::syswatcher:alerts|Alerts]] +  *  [[en:syswatcher:alerts|Alerts]] 
-  *  [[en::syswatcher:alert statistics|Alert statistics]] +  *  [[en:syswatcher:alert statistics|Alert statistics]] 
-  *  [[en::syswatcher:snmp sources|SNMP sources]]+  *  [[en:syswatcher:snmp sources|SNMP sources]]
**Module VHOSTING** **Module VHOSTING**
  *  [[en:vhosting:ftp/shell accounts|FTP/SHELL accounts]]   *  [[en:vhosting:ftp/shell accounts|FTP/SHELL accounts]]

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