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en:billing:bills 2006/11/21 12:38 en:billing:bills 2006/12/07 08:04 current
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{{en:small_icons:bill_bills_list.png|}} In this section there is a list of bill notifications for the time of using this panel. The list is upgraded on the first day of every month.\\ {{en:small_icons:bill_bills_list.png|}} In this section there is a list of bill notifications for the time of using this panel. The list is upgraded on the first day of every month.\\
//**Date**// – the date of notification sending to the contact mail box.\\ //**Date**// – the date of notification sending to the contact mail box.\\
//**Amount**// – the amount of the bill.\\ //**Amount**// – the amount of the bill.\\
//**View**// – the possibility to view the text sent from the service mail`.\\ //**View**// – the possibility to view the text sent from the service mail`.\\

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