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en:base:services 2006/11/21 13:05 en:base:services 2006/11/21 15:43 current
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==== Services ===== ==== Services =====
== Services == == Services ==
-{{en:small_icons:services2_list.png|}} //// These are services managing the upgrade of the server's configuration. Each server has a set of configuration files //filegens// that will be  upgraded on a dedicated server if the relevant points are changed in the panel. The services can be in three statuses :\\+{{en:small_icons:services2_list.png|}} //// These are services managing the upgrade of the server's configuration. Each server has a set of configuration files //filegens// that will be  upgraded on a dedicated server if the relevant points are changed in the panel. Three states of the server are :\\
//Synced// - the data in the panel correspond to the server's configuration;\\ //Synced// - the data in the panel correspond to the server's configuration;\\
//Pending rebuild// - the changes have been made in the panel and the upgrade of the configuration is about to take place;\\ //Pending rebuild// - the changes have been made in the panel and the upgrade of the configuration is about to take place;\\
//Rebuild blocked// - an error occurred during upgrade, the automatic upgrade is blocked. The error will be shown in the graph  //Error// \\ //Rebuild blocked// - an error occurred during upgrade, the automatic upgrade is blocked. The error will be shown in the graph  //Error// \\
The uprade of the configuration doesn't take place instantly! Once the changes in the panel have been made, the service should be in the status //Pending rebuild//. In about two minute's time the status will be changed to  //Synced//, which means the necessary changes have been made on the server.\\ The uprade of the configuration doesn't take place instantly! Once the changes in the panel have been made, the service should be in the status //Pending rebuild//. In about two minute's time the status will be changed to  //Synced//, which means the necessary changes have been made on the server.\\
-You can also find the section //filegens// in the menu //actions// можно видеть раздел //filegens//. //Filegens// это темплейты всех файлов, которые заливаются на сервер.\\+You can also find the section //filegens// in the menu //actions//. //Filegens// are templates of all the files uploaded to the server.\\
== Filegens == == Filegens ==
-//Filegens// (генераторы) представляют из себя простой способ генерации любых конфигов прямо из базы, без написания лишнего кода. \\ +//Filegens// is a simple way of generating any configs out of the database without any extra code.\\ 
-Рассмотрим самый простой пример, генерация конфига //vhosts.conf// для веб-сервера apache.\\ +Let's consider a small example of generating the config  //vhosts.conf// for the apache web server.\\ 
-Идем в //base/services//, добавляем к сервису webserver новый генератор test. \\+Move to //base/services//, add to the service webserver a new generator test. \\
-//**Name**// - это имя //filegen//. При перестройке сервисов порядок вызова генератора определяется им.\\ +//**Name**// - is the name //filegen//. During the  services rebuild the order of generator activation is determined by it.\\ 
-//**Filename**// - имя файла, куда будет сохраняться результат работы генератора. Если тип генератора //скрипт// и Filename не заполнено, используется временный файл, который потом удаляется \\ +//**Filename**// - the name of the file where the result of generation will be stored. If the type of the generator //script// and Filename aren't specified, the temporary file, is used which is deleted later.\\ 
-//**Start mark**// - если файл необходимо встраивать внутрь другого, то это отметка начала генерированной секции. Необходимо оставлять это поле пустым, если нужно заменять файл.\\ +//**Start mark**// - if the file has to be merged into the other, it marks the beginning of the generated section. This field should be left empty, if the file is to be changed.\\ 
-//**End mark**// - аналогично //Start mark//. Не используется, если //Start mark// не определен.\\ +//**End mark**// - similar to //Start mark//. It's not used, if the //Start mark// isn't specified.\\ 
-//**File permissions**// - 4-х значный номер, обозначающий права на файл. Если не указан, используются права существующего на dedicated файла.\\ +//**File permissions**// - a numeric mode from four digits giving access to the file. If it's not specified, the permission to the existing file on a dedicated server is used.\\ 
-//**Template**// - сам темплейт конфига. Подробнее о структуре ниже.\\+//**Template**// - the template of the file. The detailed structure of it: .\\
Итак, пример построения //apache_vhosts.conf//:\\ Итак, пример построения //apache_vhosts.conf//:\\

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