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en:base:services 2006/11/21 15:09 en:base:services 2006/11/21 15:43 current
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==== Services ===== ==== Services =====
== Services == == Services ==
-{{en:small_icons:services2_list.png|}} //// These are services managing the upgrade of the server's configuration. Each server has a set of configuration files //filegens// that will be  upgraded on a dedicated server if the relevant points are changed in the panel. The services can be in three statuses :\\+{{en:small_icons:services2_list.png|}} //// These are services managing the upgrade of the server's configuration. Each server has a set of configuration files //filegens// that will be  upgraded on a dedicated server if the relevant points are changed in the panel. Three states of the server are :\\
//Synced// - the data in the panel correspond to the server's configuration;\\ //Synced// - the data in the panel correspond to the server's configuration;\\
//Pending rebuild// - the changes have been made in the panel and the upgrade of the configuration is about to take place;\\ //Pending rebuild// - the changes have been made in the panel and the upgrade of the configuration is about to take place;\\
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== Filegens == == Filegens ==
//Filegens// is a simple way of generating any configs out of the database without any extra code.\\ //Filegens// is a simple way of generating any configs out of the database without any extra code.\\
-Let's consider the example of generating the config  //vhosts.conf// for the apache web server.\\+Let's consider a small example of generating the config  //vhosts.conf// for the apache web server.\\
Move to //base/services//, add to the service webserver a new generator test. \\ Move to //base/services//, add to the service webserver a new generator test. \\
//**Name**// - is the name //filegen//. During the  services rebuild the order of generator activation is determined by it.\\ //**Name**// - is the name //filegen//. During the  services rebuild the order of generator activation is determined by it.\\
-//**Filename**// - the name of the file where the result where the result of generation will be kept. If the type of the generator //script// and Filename aren't filled out, the temporary file, which is deleted later, is used.\\+//**Filename**// - the name of the file where the result of generation will be stored. If the type of the generator //script// and Filename aren't specified, the temporary file, is used which is deleted later.\\
//**Start mark**// - if the file has to be merged into the other, it marks the beginning of the generated section. This field should be left empty, if the file is to be changed.\\ //**Start mark**// - if the file has to be merged into the other, it marks the beginning of the generated section. This field should be left empty, if the file is to be changed.\\
-//**End mark**// - similar to //Start mark//. It's not used, if the //Start mark// isn't defined.\\ +//**End mark**// - similar to //Start mark//. It's not used, if the //Start mark// isn't specified.\\ 
-//**File permissions**// - 4-digit code/number giving access to the file. If it's not given, the permission to the existing file on a dedicated is used.\\ +//**File permissions**// - a numeric mode from four digits giving access to the file. If it's not specified, the permission to the existing file on a dedicated server is used.\\ 
-//**Template**// - the template of the file. The detailed structure of the .\\+//**Template**// - the template of the file. The detailed structure of it: .\\
Итак, пример построения //apache_vhosts.conf//:\\ Итак, пример построения //apache_vhosts.conf//:\\

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