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en:base:sent_mail 2006/11/20 15:08 en:base:sent_mail 2006/11/30 10:32 current
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===== Sent Mail ===== ===== Sent Mail =====
-{{en:small_icons:mail_list.png|}} The section contains all the emails sent by the panel to the email pointed in the variable //contact_email//.\\+{{en:small_icons:mail_list.png|}} The section contains all the emails sent by the panel to the email filled in the variable //contact_email//.\\
-//**Review**// – возможность просмотреть текст почтового сообщения.\\+//**View**// – enables to view the text of the email.\\
\\ \\
//**Sender**// – the address from which the message was sent to the email pointed to in //contact_email//.\\ //**Sender**// – the address from which the message was sent to the email pointed to in //contact_email//.\\
-//**Addressee**// – the email pointed to in the variable //contact_email//.\\ +//**Addresses**// – the email filled in the variable //contact_email//.\\ 
-//****// – тема отправленного сообщения.\\ +//**Topic**// - the topic of the emailed message.\\ 
-//**Дата**// – дата отправки сообщения.\\ +//**Date**// – the date of sending the email.\\ 
-//**Просмотр**// – предоставляет возможность просмотреть текст отправленного сообщения.\\+//**Review**// – enables to view the text of the email.\\

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