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en:base:logs 2006/11/20 14:13 en:base:logs 2006/11/30 08:31 current
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===== Logs ===== ===== Logs =====
-{{en:small_icons:logs_list.png|}} This section contains the log of all the actions of the administrator carried out with the help of the panel.\\+{{en:small_icons:logs_list.png|}} This section contains the log of all the actions of the administrator.\\
-For the form //Action// the search by means of the form //Filter//is available .\\**FORMS:**\\ +For the form //Action// the search by means of the form //Filter// is available.\\ 
-**Date** –  the date and the time of the administrator's action.\\ + 
-**Message** – contains the record about administrator's action.\\+**FIELDS:**\\ 
 +//**Date**// –  the date and the time of the administrator's action.\\ 
 +//**Message**// – contains the record about administrator's action.\\

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