In this section there are alert sensors of our server. Having alert you get a notification. So you can constantly monitor many different server parameters: loading, bandwidth, disk usage, job of http-server etc.
Every alert uses one option and a list of parameters to it.
Available options:
With the help of this option you may check if your site works (if it displays the necessary site, etc.). It’s also very easy to create your own alerts with this option. You may write a little script which checks the necessary for you condition (for example, if your mysql-server works), and if it succeeds, shows SUCCESS on the site. You write SUCCESS in ok_content and if it’s absent an alert’ll be sent to your email.
With the help of this option you may set up alerts on upping/downing of bandwidth, loading average, decreasing of disk space and so on.
With the help of this option you may monitor the job of such services as apache (port 80), receiving mail (port 25) and so on. You may monitor not only your own server but you may point any other IP address.
Add alert – there are 3 types of sensors, how they work is written above.
Change – to change the sensor.
Delete – to delete the sensor.
Name – is the name of the sensor.
Active – is the indicator of the sensor state. It can be either active or inactive.
Jobs – are the condition jobs pointed to the alert.
Option – is the using option. It can be snmp_statistics, http, watch_ports.
Level – informs about the text that will be in the Subject of the mail message. It can possess the value of NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, EMERG. It’s done for better usability of mail messages.
Parameters – is the full text of meeting condition which is generated automatically on the basis of input data on creating the sensor.