FTP/Shell accounts ===== The section [[:en:vhosting:ftp_shell_accounts]] is intended for creating user's accounts on the server that provide //ftp// as well as //ssh// access. Hosts [[:en:vhosting:hosts]] и cronjobs [[:en:vhosting:cron_jobs]] are pointed to the user's accounts.\\ **ACTIONS AVAILABLE:**\\ //**Add a new account**// – allows to add a new account.\\ //**Deactivate**// / //**Activate**// – allows to activate or deactivate accounts.\\ //**Subaccount**// ((For example, there's a need to allow //FTP-access// to the directory //upload//, which is in the root directory of the host //example.com//, pointed to the account//ftp0//. Then the root to the directory will be ///home/clients/ftp0/domains/example.com/html/upload//. To allow for //subaccount ftp0_s1// access to //upload// you should specify the root ///domains/example.com/html/upload// while adding to the field //Directory//. )) – allows to create a subaccount and point it to the account. It may be used when the access to only one host is required without access to all the hosts on the main account.\\ //**Login**// – login to a subaccount.\\ //**Directory**// – home directory for a subaccount.\\ //**Password**// – password to a subaccount.\\ //**Edit**// – editing an account or changing a password.\\ //**Delete**// – deleting an account. Deletion of an account will trigger the deletion of all the hosts, //cron// jobs and subaccounts pointed to the account.\\ Actions available while adding account:\\ //**Name**// – account that will be used for //ftp// or //ssh// access.\\ //**Password**// – password to the account.\\ //**Shell**// – allows access to your account via //ssh//-protocol.\\ **FIELDS:**\\ //**Active**// - the indicator of the status of your account. Can be active and inactive.\\ //**Hosts**// – the number of hosts pointed to the account.\\