===== IP-addresses ===== {{en:small_icons:ip_list.png|}} This section is intended for adding IP-addresses that will be used by the services //web-server//, //proxy-server// and others to a dedicated server and also for the statistics on IP-addresses usage.\\ **ACTIONS AVAILABLE:**\\ **//New IP-address//** – adding new IP-addresses to the server.\\ Options available while adding IP-addresses:\\ //**IP Address**// – the IP-address in the format //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx//.\\ //**Static**// – by default the IP-address has been added and pointed by outside services, for example, with //ifconfig//. But if you want to add this address using the panel, this checkbox should not be checked.\\ //**Editing**// – the same options that are available while adding new IP-address.\\ //**Deletion**// - deletion of the IP-address will lead to the deletion of the sites and accounts pointed to this IP-address, and also disabling all the services pointed to this IP-address. Be careful!\\ **FIELDS:**\\ //**Used by**// – the list of sites, accounts and services using this IP-address.\\