===== Condition Jobs ===== {{en:small_icons:condition_jobs_list.png|}} This section contains a set of jobs that will be executed if alert appears on the server or panel actions. For example, a letter sent to the administrator if the traffic increases rapidly, or restart of the service if it is down.\\ The conditions are called //hooks// and can be added only by the support. But a user can program any action of the server using scripts.\\ **ACTIONS AVAILABLE**\\ //**Add a job**// – adding a new condition job.\\ Actions available while adding a job:\\ //**Name**// – a name of a job that will be shown in the list.\\ //**Hook**// – a condition that will trigger the job. It allows to choose a type and section for a checked condition.\\ //**Import of variables**// – this point implies using variables from the setting. For example, in the script you can refer to the variable //mysql_root_password// as //$DK_SYSTEM_VAR_mysql_root_password//.\\ //**Script**// – a script that will be run if the hook appeares. The script can be written on any language like //sh//, //perl//, //ruby//, //tcl//. If the script is added the interpreter used should be specified in the first line. For example, //#!/bin/sh// or //#!/bin/perl//.\\